When trying on my first new swimsuit this year, I asked my sister, “does this make me look like a mom?” Her reply? “No, but pretty sure your kids will give that away.” And, well, touche!
I think most women who’ve had babies can understand and relate to the struggle that comes with learning to accept and appreciate your new postpartum bod. SO many things change that will never go back to the way they once were, and no matter how many people tell you otherwise, it’s strange to look at yourself in the mirror and not recognize the body you see.
I remember once upon a time BK (before kids) watching an episode of The Kardashians where they referenced the postpartum body as feeling like “you’re living in the same house but the furniture’s been rearranged.” I know… *gasp* Did I really just reference The Kardashians and *double gasp* in a context that is actually relatable? Mind. Blown. Now that we’re all done cringing, can we agree that analogy is spot freaking on??

I used to shop for bikinis that pushed up my girls and provided as little butt coverage as possible, because (believe it or not) at one time you coulda bounced a quarter off that boo-tay. *boingggg* Today’s swimsuit shopping looks a little different. It’s more like… Is there enough padding to soak up any milk leakage? Can I easily nurse in this without having to take off the entire suit? Will big waves or grabby baby hands cause a nip slip?
My goal for this summer was to find a few new suits that not only checked off all boxes of the aforementioned criteria, but that also flattered my new “mom-of-two” bod. I was fully prepared to retire the bikini, but I’m happy to report that hasn’t happened just yet! There’s really so many options to choose from these days, you’re bound to find something that makes you feel good – and at a great price point!

I’d be lying if I said I feel 100% confident with my new normal, but for the sake of my little girl, I’ve made a commitment to myself to fake it ’til I make it. I want her to see that I have confidence in spite of my flaws. I want her to grow up embracing her body and never questioning if her self worth is hinged on her looks, because let’s be real… it’s not.
Shoot. We’ve given birth, ladiez!! I think we’ve earned the right to flaunt the new bodies our little babies helped us create. So roll up those deflated boobies and shove ’em into the cutest suit you can find! If that doesn’t work for ya, then down a margarita or two and you’ll be sashaying across the beach like Beyonce in no time!

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