Sleeping in ’til 9AM, pouring myself a giant mimosa before crawling back in bed to watch Bravo marathons for 8 hours a day. Leisurely putting myself together with music bumpin’ in the background. Getting my tan on outside while scrolling TikTok for hours on end. Eating endless carbs. Online shopping for clothes that’ll dress me up with nowhere to go. Allow me to introduce you to my ultimate quarantine goals.
Alas, my quarantine reality is far from fabulous. It’s week 3, and I think it’s safe to say that most of us have been fully immersed in the quarantine life long enough to be losing our minds. Trust me, I’m a ball of emotions from day to day, sometimes even hour to hour, and I totally believe in flattening the curve. Here’s the but…and it’s a big BUT – I need to find the humor in any given situation for my own sanity. That said, I’m here to share my current social isolation status – the good, the bad and everything in between. Now wash ‘dem hands and let’s go!

Mamas love their kids endlessly, but we still need breaks from time to time, and, well, that ain’t happenin’ these days. I dunno if the kids can sense my stress/anxiety, but they’ve been acting UP and it’s driving me crazy. Tantrums, whining, yelling, boredom and cold temps have us all craving some outdoor time that we just haven’t been able to get enough of. Cabin fever is real y’all. The monotony of staying inside day after day has me on the brink of rocking in a corner. The one upside is it’s too cool for open windows so hopefully the neighbors can’t hear me losing my shit 25+ times a day. #smallwin
I also didn’t realize that going out to eat was my only hobby, and when you’re stuck at home with two needy kiddos all day there’s no time to learn a new hobby. I do, however, find myself making up more jingles that I sing when I do stuff around the house. Does that count as a hobby or further proof my sanity is slipping through my fingers?
Is there some good stuff that’s come of this? Why, of course! Here’s my list of all the pros: zoom parties are fun, it’s become socially acceptable to day drink and/or drink daily, my pajamas have never seen this much action, we got Tiger King and the subsequent memes about Tiger King, TikToks can make me laugh no matter my mood and people seem genuinely concerned about checking in on each other. Perhaps the most shocking discovery of all has been coming to the realization I must not actually hate people as much as I originally thought, because I truly can’t wait to be amongst the general public again one day. #mindblown
Until then, I’ll be home as the isolation slowly chips away at my sanity. I’ll continue using television as a baby sitter and alcohol as a therapist, and by God I’ll keep polishing my nails. After all, if nothing else can be perfect during this pandemic, at least my nails will be.