Wanna know what’s got me cheesin’ so hard? My third annual list of things I’m not grateful for is here and I’m sparing nothing/noone. #sorrynotsorry Check it out and sound off in comments so I know what you’re least thankful for this year!
Shall we?
- Bad Reels
- Little House on the Prairie style dresses
- Vanderpump Rules without Stassi
- Hitting back-to-back red lights
- Being asked if I’d like to accept cookies on every website
- The 500 break-up songs released by Olivia Rodrigo
- The 500 more break-up songs about to be released by Adele
- When you think it’s a fart but surprise! It’s diarrhea!
- The “terrible two’s”
- The great Jalapeno Frito shortage of 2021
- People who bash filters but proceed to get Botox and other procedures that alter their appearance
- The hype around air fryers
- The cost of Starbucks for the amount of coffee you actually get
- Daylight Savings
- How I look on my front facing camera
- The way spicy food flares up my IBS
- Bloggers pushing ugly and exorbitantly overpriced Barefoot Dreams stuff – we see you commission chasing, gf
- Restaurants that are closed on Mondays
- When you clean a stain only to create a bigger stain
- People who talk about their enneagram numbers as if anyone knows or cares what it even means
- Foot cramps
- When our cat immediately pukes up the food we give her
- The inconsistency of women’s clothing sizes
- When the wind destroys a good hair day
- How turkey’s the main dish of Thanksgiving when we all know chicken has a superior flavor
Damn it feels good to unleash these feelings. Thinking there just might be a little extra pep in my step this holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving!
As always 👏🏻👏🏻😂 Also, Vanderpump without Stassi is just plain wrong.
It’s like trying to drink wine out of an empty bottle lmao!