We’ve all been there. That moment you lock eyes with a lush, beautiful plant-baby, and carefully cradle it in your arms before naively bringing it home to what will inevitably be its untimely death. I must admit, despite the long list of green beauties that have met their abrupt demise under the tender care of my hopeful thumb, I continue to have what can only be described as a false sense of optimism that I will, in fact, finally put my plant killing ways to rest.
Until I figure out how exactly to do that, I’m going to share the 5 plants that I’ve discovered to be seriously “black-thumb proof” (read: cannot be killed despite a complete lack of horticultural prowess).
1. Rubber Plant

This one might just be my favorite of all the indestructible plants I own. I had never even heard of a Rubber Plant when I first purchased it, so I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect, but fast forward approximately a year and it’s still kickin’!
2. Christmas Cactus

Now this plant has been the recipient of our most serious neglect, and it’s not only surviving, but actually thriving! It was originally cut off a piece of a much larger cactus and has been re-potted several times, forgotten in our pre-finished basement for months on end (not even kidding), yet it still blooms every winter and is happy as a…well…Christmas Cactus!
3. ZZ Plant

I honestly thought this guy was gonna be my next plant victim, but turns out I was giving it a little too much TLC…who knew, right? A little less water and direct light (both of which were easy to accommodate in this household) and we’re back in business!
4. Snake Plant

So easy to care for, I had to buy two!
5. Pothos

I’ve had this plant since I was in college, you guys. If that doesn’t paint a picture for ya I don’t know what will! Essentially what I’m saying is: it’s impossible to kill.
Someday in the distant future, I hope to diminish my inherent talent of destroying plants. Until then, I’m gonna stick with the low-maintenance variety which seem to be more conducive to my neglectful tendencies.